Sunday, November 18, 2012

A very full week

Following another crisis of returning to school, my husband and I decided to make the plunge and take our 13 year old out of school and try to homeschool her again.  This week has been filled with pouring over curriculi, planning and researching, etc. 

My husband was sick at the beginning of the week with what was probably strep throat.  Around Wednesday we got him some antibiotics and he got better quickly.    Until then I was working all day, then coming home and doing what I could to nurse him, help the kids with homework, come up with something to eat, etc.  Thankfully Tim had mad up a lot of left overs that we were able to use up during those days!

About Thursday I started with a little scratchy throat.  Determined to use essential oils and have an experience myself like everyone raves over with the oils, I opted to not use antibiotics or traditional meds.  I drank lemon oil in my water or Slim and Sassy blend.  By Friday night I was shivering with chills in bed with a fever of 102.5.  I was gargling a nasty oregano-lemon mixture, applying eucalyptus and melaleuca to my swollen neck glands, and diffusing different things into the air to breathe.  Peppermint for my fever.  Nothing was working.  I woke up Saturday morning early and my kidneys were inflammed.  Ugh!  I opted to keep doing the oils but also started tylenol and ibuprofen for the fever, now terrible headache and inflammation.  This gave me the added side effect of wet sheets from breaking the fevers, but didn't keep them away for good.  On Saturday my husband picked up a box of more oils I had ordered last weekend and I started the much acclaimed "On Guard".  I continued the nasty gargles of oregano and lemon.  This continued until this morning when I was just getting worse.  I was miserable and aching all over, my throat ached, and I had a fever again of 101.  I called my colleague and, praise God, she was willing to call something for me in to a pharmacy on her day off!  By 1:30 I took my first amoxicillin, and as of about 2 hours ago, I am feeling better than I have all weekend!  I haven't stopped the oils altogether (still using some on my wart, swollen glands and cold sore that is trying to erupt), but have come to the definite conclusion that for me when an antibiotic is known to treat something effectively, why do all the hocus pocus of essential oils?  I could have been better Friday night!

Yesterday I went to a meeting with Ciara regarding a camp for disabled children that we are going to be helping with in two weeks.  Fortunately I was feeling okay enough for that meeting during all my sickness, but went home drained and hit the bed again.  We are looking forward to 3 days of serving in this way.


JoAnn said...

Sorry about the school woes. I hope that homeschooling works again for your husband and daughter.

Wow, that sounds like some sickness. So glad you were finally able to some antibiotics and that they have helped.

That camp sounds great. I hope it goes well for you.

Jennifer Hoots said...

I am sorry to hear you and your husband were sick. That is rough. Glad you got some antibiotics and that they are working. I hope nobody else gets it. What curriculum are you looking at for your daughter? I hope it all goes well.